Hey there! I got a few questions for ya.
Are you taking the best care of yourself right now?
Are your Mondays just as exciting as the Fridays?
If you continue working the way you are right now, will you be where you want to be in 5 years?
If you said no, I’m the person you have been looking for.
My name is Tiffany, and I’m here to help you take care of yourself, and create a lifestyle you love. I spent my days in a corporate environment, burning my candle at both ends and knew I was meant for more.
I help people…
…dream big and create lightbulb moments…
…put plans in motion when others are stuck on the ideas and options…
…create more space in their life, make self-care + health a priority and gain clarity…
My passion is to help people take better care of themselves right now while creating a future they are excited about.
What does your ideal lifestyle look like?
Is it arranging your own schedule?
Traveling when and where you want to?
Or maybe staying at home with your family.
I’m a wife, a mama to a cat, yoga & green smoothie lover. I dream of living on an island and being a work from home family. I’m passionate about building this vision, and becoming who I really am each and every day. When I’m not striking up convos about big dreams, I enjoy tacos and champagne wine (bc FODMAP) with family and friends.
Now here’s the million dollar question:
Are you willing to do what most people won’t so you can live the life most people can’t?
I can show you how ???
Let’s keep in touch! Want weekly updates, the behind the scenes details, VIP sales I only share on e-mail?
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25 Fun Facts About Yours Truly
1) I’m allergic to cats, and I live with a large hairy cat (she’s a ragdoll). She came with the husband.
2) I used to be a heavy smoker (2 packs a day) and I quit in 2011. The hardest thing I’ve ever done, and I’m grateful I quit.
3) When I was in elementary school, I was so shy and didn’t say a word so everybody assumed I didn’t understand English and was put in ESL.
4) My childhood dream was to be an astronaut and going to the moon.
5) My husband loves my healthy cooking. And according to him, most of the time it’s missing bacon. ?♀️ My quest to invent healthy non-bacon needing recipes continues.
6) The first contact I’ve had with yoga was the book Bhagavad Gita by Stephen Mitchell. I knew life’s secret is written in those pages, and I’ve been a student of yoga ever since.
7) I cry when I watch those sappy 30-second commercials.
8) I cried when our goldfish died. Chutney was my favorite.
9) I’ve been late to work because I didn’t hear the alarm go off during my meditation. When I’m in the zone, it’s hard to get me off track.
10) I’m a philanthropist at heart. Making a difference in people’s lives is my motivation, and my drive to be the best person I can be.
11) I’ve co-hosted a 200 hour Yoga Teacher’s Training. We wrote the materials and I got the studio Yoga Alliance approved. (If you’ve done it before, you know how much work that is!)
12) The best cabbage I’ve ever eaten was from the mountains of Taiwan.
13) I’ll never forget the moment when I got paid while I was visiting Hong Kong. It was my first paycheck overseas AND my first Hong Kong trip!
14) I spent one month in the mountains of Chiang Rai, Thailand to help translate a 200 hour Yoga Teacher’s Training.
15) I was on the yearbook committee in middle school.
16) I have a goal of writing a book and becoming a New York Times Best Selling Author.
17) The spiritual name I received from my yoga teacher is “Jyoti” meaning “Light”. My aim is to be the light and help you live your best life.
18) I have 300+ goals and my mentor said she’s never seen a more extensive list than mine.
19) I can’t watch scary movies because I’ll have nightmares.
20) It is my passion to help people set boundaries and take care of themselves.
21) I completed my RYT200 training twice. The first time was a year-long weekend training. The second time was a one month live-in training.
22) I’ve visited North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Africa, I see you.
23) I dream of living on an island and selling jarred salsa made with local ingredients.
24) I’d like to one day meet Oprah, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Marie Forleo.
25) My favorite number is 25 ?
Let’s connect, I’d love to meet you!
One of my fav things about having an online business is connecting with people from all over the world. Come join me in our FREE tribe: The “Have It All” Masterclass, or book a FREE call with me to see how we can work together.
Can’t wait to get to know you better!
There are a few things I only share with my inner circle. If you’d like to be a part of the circle, type in your email below:
Hey there! I got a few questions for ya.
Are you taking the best care of yourself right now?
Are your Mondays just as exciting as the Fridays?
If you continue working the way you are right now, will you be where you want to be in 5 years?
If you said no, I’m the person you have been looking for.
My name is Tiffany, and I’m here to help you take care of yourself, and create a lifestyle you love. I spent my days in a corporate environment, burning my candle at both ends and knew I was meant for more.
I help people…
…dream big and create lightbulb moments…
…put plans in motion when others are stuck on the ideas and options…
…create more ease in their life, make self-care + health a priority and gain clarity…
My passion is to help people take better care of themselves right now while creating a future they are excited about.
What does your ideal lifestyle look like?
Is it arranging your own schedule?
Traveling when and where you want to?
Or maybe staying at home with your family.
I’m a wife, a mama to a cat, yoga & a green smoothie lover. I dream of living on an island and being a work from home family. I’m passionate about building this vision, and becoming who I really am each and every day. When I’m not striking up convos about big dreams, I enjoy tacos and champagne with family and friends.
What’s in my toolbox is the teachings of yoga philosophy, self-care rituals, and my intuition.
I created this space for me to share all of that with you
25 Fun Facts About Yours Truly
1) I’m allergic to cats, and I live with a large hairy cat (she’s a ragdoll). She came with the husband.
2) I used to be a heavy smoker (2 packs a day) and I quit in 2011. The hardest thing I’ve ever done, and I’m grateful I quit.
3) When I was in elementary school, I was so shy and didn’t say a word so everybody assumed I didn’t understand English and was put in ESL.
4) My childhood dream was to be an astronaut and going to the moon. And to be Marry Poppins. Mostly because I want that handbag.
5) My husband loves my healthy cooking. And according to him, most of the time it’s missing bacon. My quest to invent healthy non-bacon needing recipes continues.
6) The first contact I’ve had with yoga was the book Bhagavad Gita by Stephen Mitchell. I knew life’s secret is written in those pages, and I’ve been a student of yoga ever since.
7) I cry when I watch those sappy 30-second commercials.
8) I cried when our goldfish died. Chutney was my favorite.
9) I’ve been late to work because I didn’t hear the alarm go off during my meditation. When I’m in the zone, it’s hard to get me off track.
10) I’m a philanthropist at heart. Making a difference in people’s lives is my motivation, and my drive to be the best person I can be.
11) I’ve co-hosted a 200 hour Yoga Teacher’s Training. We wrote the materials and I got the studio Yoga Alliance approved. (If you’ve done it before, you know how much work that is!)
12) The best cabbage I’ve ever eaten was from the mountains of Taiwan.
13) I’ll never forget the moment when I got paid while I was visiting Hong Kong. It was my first paycheck overseas AND my first Hong Kong trip!
14) I spent one month in the mountains of Chiang Rai, Thailand to help translate a 200 hour Yoga Teacher’s Training.
15) I was on the yearbook committee in middle school.
16) I have a goal of writing a book and becoming a New York Times Best Selling Author.
17) The spiritual name I received from my yoga teacher is “Jyoti” meaning “Light”. My aim is to be the light and help you live your best life.
18) My hobbies include: yoga, food, wine, my cat, and travel. I’ll be talking about all that lots around here.
19) I can’t watch scary movies because I’ll have nightmares.
20) It is my passion to help people set boundaries and take care of themselves.
21) My favorite thing to talk about is yoga philosophy. Expect talks of the gunas and Brahman. If you have no idea what that means, you’re in for a treat!
22) I’ve visited North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Africa, I see you.
23) I dream of living on an island and selling jarred salsa made with local ingredients.
24) I’d like to one day meet Elizabeth Gilbert, Vivienne Westwood and Swami Sivananda.
25) My favorite number is 25
Let’s connect, I’d love to meet you!
There are a few things I only share with my inner circle. And you can be a part of it. Click here to get on the VIP list and get the free self-care starter guide.
Can’t wait to get to know you better!
With love,
1) でっかいフワッフワな猫様(ラグドールです)と住んでいるが、実は猫アレルギー。旦那とセットでした。
2) 元スーパーヘビースモーカー。1日2箱な生活。2011年に辞めることに成功。マジで何人か首絞めそうだったけど、辞めれて心からよかったと思っている。
4) 小さい時の夢は宇宙飛行士になること。それとメリーポピンズになること。あの何でも入る奇跡のバッグが欲しかったから。
6) 初めてヨガと出会ったのはバガヴァッドギータの本。人生の秘密が全てここに書かれていると感じ、それ以来ずっとヨガの生徒です。
7) CMを見てよく泣きます。
8) 金魚が死んだ時も泣いた。特にお気に入りだったチャトニーが死んだ時は号泣。
11) ヨガインストラクター養成講座のインストラクター経験あり。自分たちで内容を詰め、テキスト作成、ヨガアライアンスへの申請もしました。(アライアンス申請をしたことある方はどれだけ大変かを知っているよね。。)
13) 香港でお金をゲットした時の喜びは一生忘れないであろう。初香港だったし、初めて海外にいながらお金を稼いだ日でした。ネットに感謝!
14) 一ヶ月、タイのチャンライの山奥でヨガインストラクター養成講座の通訳のお手伝いに行った経験あり。
15) 中学の時にyear book committeeでした。アメリカの学校は大体毎年学生がみんなの写真や、学校行事の写真をまとめて、編集して本にまとめてます。その部活(って言えるのか!?)に入ってました。
18) 趣味はヨガ、食べること、ワイン、猫と旅行をすること。ブログネタもほとんどこんな感じ。
19) 怖い映画大嫌いです。だって、怖い夢見ちゃうから。
21) この世で一番大好きな話はヨガ哲学。グナやブラフマンの事を永遠と語れる友を大切にしてます。なんのこっちゃと思っているあなた!ここにいると新しい世界が広がりますよぉ〜
25) 好きな数字は25